2009 has been the year of Ills and Spills for me. I have had various lingering health issues this year, and it has been frustrating. Here is a quick breakdown:
December 2008 - sprained right ankle. I found out in June that I have arthritis in my right ankle, hence the feeling that it gets better then feels like it re-sprains. I tweaked it again about two weeks ago in almost the exact same spot in my house. I am still rehab'ing on my own.
May 2009 - Hallus Rigidus, Arthritis in left big toe. I just got my custom made orthotics last week. Yes, my feet feel better, but it will take time.
June 2009 - Poison Ivy. I had to get a cortisone shot, take oral steroids, and a topical steroid. I have scars/discolored skin on my arms from the poison ivy. It took about 3 to 4 weeks for the scabs to fall off. I also have a few spots/scabs on my thighs that have not fully healed yet. Stop picking! I still pick up a few spots of poison ivy after I dump grass clippings at the end of my lot.
July 2009 - Summer cold. It lasted about 3 weeks. I am trying to build up my aerobic capacity again. My exercise induced asthma is a problem now, but should calm down after I get back into my regular workouts.
I can not believe it, over half of the year I have been battling health problems. I am hoping for a better second half of the year.