Saturday, September 30, 2006
KDKA News Babes
Since I can not compare station to station, I will just focus on KDKA, past and present, and then tell you my favorite news babe.
Sonni Abatta – young, attractive, petite, what else could you ask for. I believe she looked better when she first started with KDKA. She has gone through a lot of hair color and hair style changes, a couple too many in my opinion. I do not know why she keeps trying to change her look. She is not perfect. She is a bit too skinny and needs to add some meat on her bones.
Stephanie Watson – the newest babe who anchors the weekend newscasts. A very attractive brunette. Her newscasts seems to be robotic, I am waiting for her personality to peak through. When she is not anchoring a newscast, and reporting a story, she does seem to have an upbeat, pleasant, personality. At times she looks too perfect, but she is still good eye candy.
Kristine Sorensen – she has a perky personality, kind of like Mary Hart, but not annoying. She has spunk, plus she very rarely stumbles with her words. Marty Griffin did good marrying her.
Yvonne Zanos – an older lady, but she fights for consumer rights, so this counterbalances for her age.
Patrice King Brown – quite attractive for her age. Sometimes, she speaks too fast and stumbles with her words. She has been with KDKA for a long time, so years of service is a plus for her.
Susan Barnett – who could forget her? Blonde, petite, perky, Ahh ! I read somewhere she is in Philly now. Pittsburgh’s loss, Philly’s gain.
Alison Morris – cute, perky blonde, you only see her reports on early morning broadcasts.
Jennifer Antkowiak – cute as a button face, great personality. I lost count of how many kids she has.
Dr. Maria Simbra - can a practicing medical professional really look this attractive? Few and far between.
Who is my favorite? Drum roll please…
Rebecca Hower – She is such an attractive lady. Some guys think she is a makeover gone bad, but I have to disagree. On occasion, she has filled in with the morning news along with her weather duties. The close ups show how attractive her face really is. When she has filled in with the regular news, she does a very good job. No stumbling with words at all. Intelligence is attractive and her being a meteorologist is attractive. She looks great standing in front of a weather map. She is the whole package – Beauty, brains, face, figure, great speaking skills. I really did not care too much for Julie Bologna. JB was more of an attractive female who did the weather. Rebecca Hower is more intelligent, respected meteorologist who happens to be a babe.
I would have to say Kristine Sorensen has the best personality.
If I was considering youth only, I would say Sonni Abatta.
When I get reception for WTAE, my favorite news babe is Janelle Hall. Hot!
Friday, September 29, 2006
Nike Pro Vent Tight Review

A few weeks ago I was at the North Way Mall and decided to stop in at Marshalls. I have never shopped at Marshalls before, but I had some extra time, so I gave it a try. I was in the men's althletic clothing section and spotted some Nike Pro Vent Tight Short Sleeve Tees. Regular price was $30, selling for $10, a bargain, so I decided to buy. Nike and Under Armor are competitors in performance athletic apparel designed to wick sweat and moisture away from your body to keep you dry. I am a big fan of Under Armor's Cold Gear line. The Nike Pro Vent Tight line is ultra skin tight. I have shrunk to a size medium, but can sometimes wear large. The Nike website says you may want to size up one size, but I decided to stay with the medium because I do not have any tops that are ultra skin tight. Apparently, the wicking properties are more effective with skin tight clothes. I wore the Nike Pro Vent the other day and was pleased with it. It was hard to judge the moisture management since the weather has gotten cooler and I do not sweat as much. It takes getting used to the ultra tight fit, but it actually feels good. The skin tight fit is energizing because it gets me in the right frame of mind to work out. I give the Nike Pro Vent line a thumbs up!
Nike Pro Vent Review 4 - This was my fourth post after I discovered that Nike had a Nike Pro Europe website. The website explains how the Nike Pro line works to wick sweat away from your body. It also showcase European athletes who endorse the Nike Pro line.
Nike Pro Vent Review 3 - This was my third most comprehensive review, including a graphic size chart, my personal review of the product, and where to buy.
Nike Pro Vent Review 2 - This was my second review, with a text only size chart.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Is a Ripoff?
I thought I should warn all you single guys out there about this. I have seen similar accounts on the web from guys stating they were fooled into subscribing. I have read some news articles that there have been lawsuits filed against One lawsuit claimed that hired females to go out on dates with guys. Slime-balls !
Weekly Review - 9/17/2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Keystone Oaks High School 1981 - 25 Year Reunion

I would like to get in touch with anyone who graduated from Keystone Oaks High School in 1981 to see if there is any interest in a 25 year reunion. Would you like to have a 25 year reunion? Do you know any classmates who would like to have a 25 year reunion? Would you help to organize and plan a reunion? Do you know anyone who would like to help organize and plan a reunion? Would you like to re-connect with classmates? I usually do not like to promote any websites, but please register yourself for free at An accurate count is needed to determine if there is enough interest in holding a 25 year reunion. Please e-mail the reunion contact through If you can help organize and plan a reunion, please e-mail the reunion contact at
I am a real KOHS 1981 graduate. I am not here to promote any website. I am not being reimbursed for mentioning any website. I simply would like to have a 25 year reunion. makes it easier for the reunion contact to get in touch with everyone. keeps track of all graduates rather than one person, who would spend enormous amounts of time updating contact information. Plus, “hides” your personal e-mail address and does not make it public knowledge or provide it to any classmate. If you feel uncomfortable about registering with, you can e-mail me by viewing my profile and clicking on the e-mail link. I will then provide you with another e-mail address so you can e-mail the reunion contact. I will not speak for you because I do not want to misquote or misrepresent you. I have been grossly misquoted in the past, and it is not fun.
Please, spread the word. I hope to see everyone at an upcoming reunion, but only if you voice your opinion. Thank You.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Annual Pirates Game - 9/16/2006

Sure, the Pirates have not had a winning season in 14 years, but it is still a good time for several reasons: 1) reconnect with old buddies; 2) visit the best ball park in the U.S.; and 3) people (babe) watching. The game started with John Tucci, a groundskeeper for Rober Morris University, singing the national anthem. Mr. Tucci must have been nervous, because after a while, I thought his singing was a practical joke. I researched his name after the game and found out that Mr. Tucci has experience signing the national anthem for RMU sporting events. You can read more about Mr. Tucci at the following links:
It was a sellout crowd last Saturday. I found out that the NY Mets needed to win one game to clinch, but the lowly Pirates would not let them. There were a large number of Mets fans in the stands. There was a blonde Mets babe off to my right a few rows up with her boyfriend. A few rows below me there was a short, cute, but young brunette. Gerry lucked out last year. A young blond, probably not legal yet, sat right next to him. She was wearing a white rib tank, and had black and gold face paint. She was thin, but had a great figure.
There was one annoying Mets fan a few rows below me. One of the Pirates hit a foul ball down the 3rd base line. The ball boy picked the ball up and tossed it in the direction of a young boy, probably only 8-10 years old, when an adult wearing a Mets cap, about three seats to the left of the youngster, pushed his fat body in front of the boy and snagged the ball. The fans were furious and heckled the Mets fan for about 10 minutes. The Mets fan would not budge and give the ball to the boy, who was a Pirates fan. What an idiot, he stole the ball from the young kid. The crowd was getting louder and it got to the point where it could have disrupted the game. The ball boy did a wise thing. He ran to the Pirates dugout and got at least one, maybe two autographed balls, and handed them to the young kid. The crowd stopped their intense heckling, but occassionally someone would make a derogatory comment about the Mets idiot.
Anyway, the Pirates won in the bottom of the 9 th inning. It was a good evening, good weather, good company, a free bobble head, a few babes, a little heckling, and a win.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Weekly Review - 9/11/2006
Weekly Review - 9/4/2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
9/11 Thoughts
I would like to commend Craig Ferguson from the Late Late Show on CBS. His entire show was dedicated to remembering 9/11. It was a serious show. Craig Ferguson did manage to squeeze in a few jokes, but for the most part it was very somber. This is actually the second time Craig Ferguson had a “serious” show. The first time, he had a Scottish “Wake” to remember his father who had passed away. He actually received an Emmy nomination for this show. Thanks for helping me remember 9/11.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Rockstar Supernova Thoughts

Has anyone been watching Rockstar Supernova? I have watched a few episodes and am impressed with Dilana. She has the look of a rock n roller - piercings, tattoos, multiple colors in her hair. This girl can sing. She kind of has a raspy, Bonnie Rait, type voice. She has done well singing traditional rock and roll as well as slower songs. The other female singer, Storm Large, is no longer on the show. She is a good singer, but not as good as Dilana. Storm Large is a major babe, but her looks could only take her so far. I enjoy listening to rock and alternative music when I work out. I like my music with an edge, and attitude. I like 80's music also, it takes me back to the days when music videos where so popular.