Thursday, March 03, 2011

Orie Mistrial - Cut and Paste Hack Job

The judge in the case for Senator Jane Orie declared a mistrial today. The reason, the defense submitted some documents where the signatures where doctored, a bad cut and paste job. I did my own cut and paste job and show the doctored sections side by side.
  1. Look at the "Original" - You will see two signatures, one is on top of the other and the two signatures overlap.
  2. Look at "Cut/Paste 1" - Look and you will see that the signature still has the overlap area.
  3. Look at "Cut/Paste 2" - The most obvious part is the red circle where you see two black underlines. The green circle shows a bad attempt to white out the overlap area.

You would think with today's software and technology, the cut/paste job would have been better. Both the Post Gazette and the Tribune Review have electronic copies of the doctored documents.

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