Sunday, May 14, 2006

Weekly Review - 5/7/2006

I completed two cardio sessions and mowed the lawn once. No weight lifting. I was still a little reluctant to lift weights.

Yesterday, I started flexing and bending my wrist to get it back in shape. Here are a couple of my wrist exercises:
1. I hold my fingers clenched like a fist, then flex my fingers to open my hand. I do this both palm down and palm up.
2. Vertical wrist bends – I bend my wrist down and up vertically. I do this palm down.
3. Horizontal wrist bends – I bend my wrist left and right, I do this palm down.

I decided to lift weights for my upper body today. It has been over six weeks. I decided to work on my triceps because it seemed like it would be the least stressful to my wrist. It is a start. I will see how I feel later in the next few days.

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